Grant Summary
Support for travel to the Yogyakarta Gamelan Festival in Jakarta to work with local gamelan musicians toward the creation of a soundtrack for Shuffle, the first installment of Biggers’s three-part video suite titled The Carnival within: Shuffle, Shake, Shatter.
Artist Statement
An LA native working in NYC, I create artworks that integrate film, video, installation, sculpture, drawing, original music, and performance. I intentionally complicate issues surrounding hip hop, Buddhism, politics, identity, and art history in order to offer new perspectives and associations for established symbols. Through a multi-disciplinary formal process and a syncretic creative approach I make works that are as aesthetically pleasing as they are conceptual.
  • Shake 2011, Sanford Biggers, production still. Courtesy of the artist.

  • Sakura 2014, Sanford Biggers, Antique quilt fragments, spray paint, acrylic, and assorted textile on antique quilt. Courtesy of the artist and David Castillo Gallery. Photo: Zachary Balber.