Grant Program
Art Matters considers applications by invitation only. Through our current program, Art Matters provides 7,500 USD fellowships to individual artists and collective teams working in contemporary art and performance. Priority is given to artists working with social issues and experimenting with form.
Our funds can be used for any and all aspects of artistic practice – from early research and development of ideas, to travel costs, to production and presentation expenses, to day-to-day material or space needs.
Viewing Grantees from: 1992
Name | Year |
Sushi, Inc. |
1992,1988,1986,1985 |
LA Museum of Contemporary Art |
1992 |
National Campaign for Freedom of Expression |
1993,1992 |
Seyed Alavi |
1992,1990,1989 |
Jesse Amado |
1992 |
Dona Ann |
1992 |
Keith Antar |
1992 |
Penny Arcade |
1992 |
Pamela Arm |
1992 |
Skip Arnold |
1992 |
National Association of Artists Organizations |
1992,1986 |
Charles Atlas |
1992,1991 |
Michael Aurbach |
1992,1989 |
Anthony Aziz |
1992 |
Steve Bailey |
1992 |
Judie Bamber |
1992 |
Uta Barth |
1994,1992 |
Maria Beatty |
1992,1990,1989 |
Kerrie Bellisario |
1992 |
Mark Bello |
1992 |
Glenn Belverio |
1992 |
Sadie Benning |
1992 |
Larry Bercow |
1992 |
Joseph Bergel |
1992 |
Michael Bramwell |
1992 |
Ann Bray |
1992 |
Gavin Brown |
1992 |
Matthew Buckingham |
1992 |
David Cabrera |
1992 |
David Cannon |
1992 |
Josely Carvalho |
1992 |
Paul Castrucci |
1992 |
Centro Cultural de la Raza |
1992 |
John Chapman |
1992 |
Anthony Chase |
1992,1987 |
Ken Chu |
1992 |
Malcolm Cochran |
1992 |
Frank Cole |
1992 |
Donna Coleman |
1994,1992 |
Johnny Coleman |
1992 |
Brett Cook |
1992 |
Erin Cramer |
1992,1988 |
Bruce Crastley |
1992 |
Juan Cruz |
1992 |
Ann Daly |
1992 |
Michael Darmody |
1992 |
Eloise de Leon |
1992 |
Kyle DeCamp |
1994,1992,1990 |
Rene deGuzman |
1992 |
Carl Demeulenaere |
1994,1992 |
Dominique Dibbell |
1992 |
Jean Dibble |
1992 |
Drift Distribution |
1992,1991 |
Toni Dove |
1997,1992,1990 |
John Dugdale |
1992 |
Cheryl Dunye |
1992 |
James Elaine |
1994,1992,1986 |
Dick Elliot |
1992 |
Maria Emilia |
1992 |
Amanda Farber |
1992 |
Tony Feher |
1992 |
Karen Finley |
1992,1990,1988,1987 |
Daphne Fitzpatrick |
1992 |
Allen Frame |
1994,1992 |
Stephen Freedman |
1992 |
Ada Gay |
1992 |
Janie Geiser |
1992 |
Christopher Giglio |
1992 |
Jan Gilbert |
1992,1990 |
Leah Gilliam |
1992 |
Mike Glass |
1992 |
Sandy Goldberg |
1992,1990 |
Jim Goldberg |
1992,1989 |
Saundra Goldman |
1992 |
Steph Gorkii |
1992 |
Diane Grams |
1992 |
Tony Gray |
1992 |
David Greenspan |
1992,1988,1987 |
Robin Guarino |
1992 |
Moira Hahn |
1992 |
Sharon Harper |
1992 |
Lyle Ashton Harris |
1992 |
Thomas Harris |
1992 |
William Harroff |
1992 |
Lynne Hendrick |
1992 |
Edgardo Heydra |
1992 |
REPO History |
1992 |
Werner Hoeflich |
1992 |
Denise Iris |
1992 |
Chris Isner |
1992 |
Judith Jackson |
1992,1990 |
Eliza Jackson |
1992 |
Carol Jacobsen |
1992 |
Jennifer Jaffe/TODT |
1992,1990 |
Ray Johnson |
1992 |
David Jurist |
1992 |
Deborah Kass |
1995,1992 |
David Keating |
1992 |
Richard Keely |
1992 |
John Kelly |
1992 |